What do we stand for?
Colaboración Agricola Mobilizando Poder Orgánico
C is colaboración and cooperación. Our educational models use popular education to bring people together for a purpose, to learn Agricultura and build a Movimiento that makes land and resources available to responsible farmers. We educate ourselves collectively to build Poder with the earth in mind, Orgánicamente.
Our roots
CAMPO began as an internship program on Stoneboat Farm, a sustainable vegetable farm in Hillsboro, Oregon. It’s grown into a multifaceted nonprofit with the goal of transforming our region’s understanding of agriculture through hands on experience and ground-up mobilization. We are inspired by international movements towards agroecology and we aspire to build agroecological systems in our local context. In 2020, we began our first small cooperative no-till and permaculture farm on Stoneboat Farm. Learn More.
“Racial injustice and the stark inequities in property and wealth in the US countryside aren’t just a quirk of history, but a structural feature of capitalist agriculture. This means that in order to succeed in building an alternative agrarian future, today’s social movements will have to dismantle those structures. It is the relationships in the food system, and how we govern them, that really matter.”
-Eric Holt-Giménez in “Land Justice.”
Our Vision
CAMPO envisions a sustainable agricultural environment and economy in Hillsboro whose benefits are equitably distributed among the Hillsboro region's farmers and farmworkers and utilized as a hands on agricultural classroom for the area's university students and social activists.
Our Mission
CAMPO transforms Hillsboro's farmland into an educational and economic resource for the regions' Latino population, Spanish language students and the community as a whole. We are building a socially and environmentally healthier agriculture from the ground up.